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VC joined Vim Health on 16th July 2024 for intensive rehabilitation following a right cerebrovascular accident (CVA) in September 2023. The stroke resulted in left-sided weakness, reduced attention, increased tone in her fingers and thumb, and dizziness. VC was initially treated in inpatient rehab for 12 weeks before being discharged to a care home, where she received NHS CNRT services once a week. In January 2024, she started private neurorehabilitation three times per week. 

Functional Ability at Commencement with Vim Health 

At the time of admission, VC required the assistance of 1-2 people with daily activities, including washing, dressing, and toileting. She used a wheelchair and private transport to access the community, and she was unable to work or drive. VC had reduced mobility, requiring assistance of 1-2 people and a Rotastand.  She also struggled with fine motor tasks, such as grasping objects and performing self-care activities, including toileting and dressing. Her goal was to regain independence to return to living at home and increase participation in leisure activities, including being able to manage stairs and walk with less assistance. 

Input at Vim Health 

VC received intensive physiotherapy input, totaling 28 hours over 37 sessions, with each session lasting 45 minutes. 

Her treatment plan focused on: 

Gait assistive robotics 

Functional gait re-education 

Strength training 

Hands-on physiotherapy 

Her rehabilitation included a focus on improving walking ability, independence in transfers, and strength to increase mobility and self-care capabilities. 

Goals Made in Collaboration with Patient 

To mobilise with a walking stick: Achieved. VC now walks 10m with supervision using a walking stick. 

Independence with transfers: Achieved. VC can step round transfer with a walking stick and supervision. 

To be able to go to the toilet independently: Ongoing, VC needs some assistance with personal care. 

To complete stairs with a handrail: Achieved. 

Return to living at home: Ongoing. 

Outcome Measures 

VAS primary problem: Walking 8/10 (previously 10/10 reduction of 2 points). 

10 Meter Walk Test (10MWT): 0.083 m/s (previously unable to walk) 

5 Times Sit to Stand (5STS): 27.62 seconds (51.5% faster) 

Berg Balance Score: 14/56 (an increase of 9 points) 

Functional Ability 

VC is making steady progress in her rehabilitation journey. She is now able to mobilise short distances using a walking stick with supervision and is making progress with toilet transfers and functional tasks like dressing. Although she still requires some assistance, VC’s ability to participate in daily activities is improving. She is working toward further independence with transfers, walking longer distances, and returning to her pre-stroke lifestyle, including regaining confidence with stairs and outdoor activities 


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