


Exoskeleton Rehab Service

  • Brain Or Spinal Cord Injury
  • Paralysis
  • Stroke
  • Quadriplegia
  • Multiple Sclerosis

About Exoskeleton Technologies

Sophie Morgan stands supported in the Rex exoskeleton whilst using the pulley weights. Physio Tom is Stood behind her.

Powered exoskeleton ‘suits’ are one of the more recognisable aspects of rehabilitation that people may be familiar with. Several people with life-changing injuries and conditions have famously walked the London Marathon using these amazing machines.

At VIM, we have a range of exoskeletons including REX and access to ReWalk and FreeWalk. We Use REX for day-to-day exercise in an upright position. We also offer trials and assessments in the ReWalk and FreeWalk for those people looking for something new or those interested in purchasing the device for home use.

Exoskeleton suits are worn on the body by people that are not able to mobilise without support. Worn to support the trunk and strapped to the lower limbs, powered motors on the exoskeleton aid a person in standing, walking, and holding postural positions to strengthen core muscle groups.

Gait training using an exoskeleton works by helping people to relearn step patterns and weight shifts – regularly therapy can help people return to weight-bearing and walking independently. With the assistance of a trained therapist, people using exoskeletons will participate in regular therapy sessions, over a defined period. Powered exoskeletons can also be used by people at home or out in the community to provide a greater level of independence and freedom.


Our Exoskeleton Rehab Service

At VIM Health we use several different types of exoskeletal technology so a full assessment must be carried out to understand what technology and therapy schedule will be of the most benefit to you.

  • Improve ability to walk upright/stand unaided
  • Improve mobility and quality of life
  • Maintain bone mass
  • Emotional and psychological benefits

Who Is Exoskeleton Rehabilitation For?

The aim for some people taking part in this type of exoskeleton rehab therapy is to regain as much of their natural gait as possible, this is common with people that have survived strokes but have been left with limited mobility in their lower limbs. The technology can also be used by people that have suffered brain and spinal cord injuries resulting in paralysis.

Exoskeleton rehab therapy can also be used by people that may have permanent paralysis to exercise other areas of the body that are only achievable once the person is in a standing position and weight-bearing.


Ready to start your journey?

If you are ready to get in touch and start your health journey, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. Initial chats are free of charge and are a great opportunity for you to ask any questions about our services. 

Ryan is knelt on one knee whilst raising a kettle bell with his right arm above his head. physio sophie is knelt beside him
Ryan is knelt on one knee whilst raising a kettle bell with his right arm above his head. physio sophie is knelt beside him

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