
Welcome to the VIM Healthcare blog and news pages! On this section of our website, we will be talking about the treatments we offer, our services, how we can help you, and anything else related to neurological rehabilitation.

Who Are We?

VIM is a new centre providing neurological and musculoskeletal therapies to a wide range of people that may be living with conditions, the side effects of an injury or illness. Although we are a new company, our team have extensive expertise and experience in the areas of service we provide.

Based in Mid Sussex, our founder, Tom Taverner, is a qualified physiotherapist with a keen interest in combining hands-on therapy with state-of-the-art technology. Co-founder Jon Graham is a Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist. Joining Tom and John in their vision for VIM is Crispin Simon MBE.

Our leadership team are accompanied by a multi-disciplinary team of therapists that are just as passionate about your health.

VIM Healthcare – A Holistic Approach To Rehabilitation

We pride ourselves on our holistic approach to neurological and muscular-skeletal treatment, but what does this mean?

Simply put, it means we look at you as a whole and not just your injury or condition. There are a lot of factors that play a role in rehabilitation such as mental well-being and nutrition, so we look at the entire picture to help you get the best possible outcome.

Our open-minded approach to rehabilitation means we understand that there is a vast array of treatments and technologies available, which is why we have a wide network of trusted partners and clinicians we work with to bring you the best possible treatments for your rehabilitation programme.

Neurological Rehabilitation At VIM Healthcare

We provide a welcoming, professional clinic where you can access the very best treatments and achieve your health goals.

Health goals look different for every patient that comes through our doors. For you, it may be that you want to return to work after an accident, for someone that has had a stroke, it could be to recover the use of their arm. Everyone has differing levels of what they want to achieve and what is possible.

We pride ourselves on our patient-centric approach with treatment plans that are bespoke to you and your goals. Neurological rehabilitation isn’t a one size fits all service which is why it’s so important for us to sit down with you in the first instance and truly understand what you want to achieve and what your current abilities are.

By offering a wide range of neurological and muscular-skeletal services we can put together rehabilitation programmes that have a variety of treatments, all under one roof. The benefit for you is that you will only need to see one provider during your recovery process. For some, having a central place where most of their recovery can take place is an important part of that journey.

Rehabilitation Technology

Central to who we are is our use of rehabilitation technology. Over the last decade, technology that helps those on a recovery journey has come advanced significantly, but all too often, this technology simply isn’t accessible to people. We want to change that by incorporating the very latest technology into your treatment plan, where appropriate.

The technology we use at VIM health comes from a range of world-renowned brands that do extensive research into the conditions they want to help treat. We use several technologies from the German brand THERA, for example. A well-regarded company that has published studies on the use of technology and post-stroke recovery.

Always looking for innovative ways to work with our clients, we have also invested in a virtual reality (VR) kit to provide clients with an engaging, fun way to work on their health goals. Therapeutic VR games are available in our clinic, or for you to try at home.

Our speciality at VIM is intensive rehabilitation programmes that are designed to improve outcomes for people that have had traumatic injuries, such as spinal cord damage, or a stroke. It is our intensive rehab programmes where the use of state-of-the-art technology shines, allowing us to help people drastically improve their abilities and outlook.

Your Health Journey

We treat a wide range of neurological and muscular-skeletal conditions or injuries. This ranges from helping you get back to what you love doing after a stroke to helping improve the quality of life for people with degenerative conditions. We also work with people that may want to return to work after an accident and people that have received traumatic injuries and are ready for the next part of their recovery process.

Your health journey with VIM will look very different to everyone else’s, as each client we see comes with their own unique set of circumstances, abilities, and goals. We’re ready to see you no matter what stage of your journey you are on. Some people may seek neurological rehabilitation with clinics like ours after they have tried other options available on the NHS, or as soon as they possibly can. Some people come to us after they have had a period away from the recovery process because they want to try something new.

As technology and treatments are constantly advancing and we make full use of this, we even see people that may have previously been told there wasn’t any treatment available for their condition or symptoms.

No matter where you are on your journey, it’s worth getting in touch for an initial chat to discover the wide range of conditions we can treat, and how we may be able to help you.


VIM Health is unique in several ways, but a standout feature is our accessible gym. The principle behind VIM Gym is simple – we wanted to create an inclusive space to get healthy that welcomes everyone, no matter their abilities.

The gym features specialist equipment you won’t find in regular gyms and is supported by VIM Health clinicians. And the best bit? Membership is in line with what you would pay at any other gym.

The gym is open to people from all walks of life – whether you have finished rehabilitation or want to start working on your health in general. Depending on your needs, the gym may also be worked into your rehabilitation programme.

Your Recovery Starts Here – Contact VIM Healthcare

If you have any questions about VIM Healthcare, please contact us. Alternatively, you can download our brochure or see our patient information and FAQs.


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